Feburary 16th: The boy came home. FINALLY! Two years is way too long to be without him. I refuse to ever do it again even though it was an experience that made me grow a lot.

April 28th: After using what felt like every ounce of patience I have, I got engaged. It was awesome and so totally worth the wait. Everything turned out even better than I had imagined.
First week of May: After a crazy 4 months, I completed my first semester at SUU and fourth semester of college. Finals week really got the best of us, but I'm happy to report we all survived. I turned in my last scantron and headed back down to sunny Saint George to live until Qualyn and I got an apartment in Cedar City.
May-July: These months are all a blur. Between trying to plan a wedding, driving back and forth to work in Cedar City, and living the life. It's a miracle I'm still alive. I spent lots of time with friends and have stayed sane for the most part. We are now just ten days away from the most anticipated day of my life and I could not be more happy that it is finally here. Here's to a new adventure!!

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